SQL 基礎
- postgres 13.2
- postgresql-13 をインストール、もしくはオリジナルソースからpostgresql-13.2-1-windows-x64 をダウンロードします
- GUIの管理ツールである pgadmin4 のインストールにチェックが入っていることを確認します。
- PostgreSQL を Windows にインストールするには を参考にインストール、PostgreSQLのダウンロード及びインストール方法のPATHの設定を参考にPATHの設定を行います
- ポートは
とします - パスワードは
- postgresql-13 をインストール、もしくはオリジナルソースからpostgresql-13.2-1-windows-x64 をダウンロードします
SQL入門 レッスン01 SQL概要
コマンドプロンプトからpostgres ユーザーでログインして、データベースに接続
psql -U postgres
を入力して postgres ユーザーのパスワードを入力します
create database tutorial2;
\c データベース名
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL テーブル一覧 SHOW TABLES; \dt テーブル情報の表示 SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM データベース名; \d テーブル名 テーブル作成時のSQL文を表示 SHOW CREATE TABLE テーブル名; - - PostgreSQLは
create if not exist
drop database tutorial2;
SQL入門 レッスン04 USE
postgreSQLはUSE 構文をサポートしていません
PostgreSQL では以下の手順でデータベースを表示します
psql -U postgres
を入力して postgres ユーザーのパスワードを入力します- ログインしたら、
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL データベース一覧を表示 SHOW DATABSES \l - ビデオで実行しているコマンド
- ログインしたら、
SQL入門 SQL入門 レッスン05 データ型
SQL入門 レッスン06 固定長と可変長
char(n) varchar(n) の n は文字数
SQL入門 レッスン7 Constrain
"user" は postgreSQLでは予約語です。予約後であるためそのままでは使用できません。使用するためにはダブルクォテーション「"」をつけて表記しなくてはいけません。毎回ダブルクォテーション「"」をつけるのは繁雑であるため user1 に変更します
create table user1(
id int primary key,
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30)
create table user2(
id int,
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30)
create table user1(
id int primary key,
name varchar(255)
)pgadmin から主キーをチェック
- user2 テーブルが作成されていることを確認して
の Constraints の下に primary key がないのを確認します。
- user2 テーブルが作成されていることを確認して
\d tutorialコマンド比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL テーブル一覧 SHOW TABLES; \dt テーブル情報の表示 SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM データベース名; - テーブル作成時のSQL文を表示 SHOW CREATE TABLE テーブル名; - テーブル一覧を表示するコマンドを入力
- コマンドプロンプトからpostgres ユーザーでログインして、データベースに接続
psql -U postgres -d データベース名
- データベース接続先を変えたい場合は
\connect データベース名
- データベース接続先を変えたい場合は
- コマンドプロンプトからpostgres ユーザーでログインして、データベースに接続
pgadmin からでも実行できます。
SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables;
create table user6(
id int primary key,
"u name" varchar(30)
drop table user2;
drop table user6;Postgres ではカラム名に日本語つけても文字化けしません。
Postgres でカラム名に日本語を含める場合には`` ではなく "" を使います。
alter table user1 add address varchar(255);
alter table user1 rename u_name to namepostgres でテーブル名の変更は「コマンド比較表」の通りです。
- コマンド比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL テーブル名の変更 alter table 旧テーブル名 RENAME 新テーブル名; もしくは、 RENAME TABLE 旧テーブル名 TO 新テーブル名; alter table 旧テーブル名 rename to 新テーブル名 列定義を変更 alter table テーブル名 modify 列名 データ型; alter table テーブル名 alter column 列名 type データ型 列名を変更 alter table テーブル名 change column 旧カラム名 新カラム名 データ型 ALTER TABLE user2 RENAME address3 TO address2 複数列の削除 alter table テーブル名 drop column 列名1, 列名2; alter table テーブル名 drop column 列名1, drop column 列名2
SQL入門 レッスン12
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
alter table user1 add column age integer;
insert into user1(id,name,email,password,age)
values(2,'山田太', 'yamada@email.com',1234456,32);
insert into user1(id, name) values(3, '田中吾郎')コマンド比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL データの入力 insert into テーブル名(列名1, 列名1) values("value1", "value2") insert into テーブル名(列名1, 列名1) values (value1, value2) - pgadmin を起動してテーブルにデータが入力されていることを確認します。
- テーブルにデータを入力する の1,2 を参考にデータ入力されていることを確認します。
SQL入門 レッスン13 SELECT文
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age) values(4, '大西秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 24);
select id, name from user1;
select name, email from user1;
select email, name from user1;
select * from user1;
select id, name, email
from user1;
SQL入門 レッスン14
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
drop table user1;
create table user1(
id int primary key,
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30),
age integer,
salary integer
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(1, '鈴木一郎', 'suzuki@email.com', '123456789', 22, 5840000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(2, '山田太郎', 'yamada@email.com', '1234456', 32, 4200000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(3, '田中吾郎', 'tanaka@email.com', '6665456', 44, 3120000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(4, '大西秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 24, 2980000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(5, '山村昭彦', 'yamamura@email.com', '45123345', 28, 8450000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(6, '村上晴彦', 'murakami@email.com', '7484541', 38, 12545000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(7, '小池陽子', 'koike@email.com', '4517545', 42, 6245250);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(8, '安部沙織', 'abe@email.com', '7484555', 58, 7689250);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(9, '前川博', 'maekawa@email.com', '495645', 29, 3178000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(10, '足立康史', 'adachi@email.com', '885477', 18, 4963200);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(11, '高木弘樹', 'takagi@email.com', '965656', 39, 4921500);
select * from user1 where age > 38;
select * from user1 where age = 38;
select * from user1 where age <> 38;
select * from user1 where salary <> 5840000;
select * from user1 where salary > 5840000;
select * from user1 where salary >= 5840000;SQL入門 レッスン15
select * from user1 where age > 25 and salary > 3000000;
select * from user1 where age > 25 and salary > 5000000;
select * from user1 where age > 25 or salary > 5000000;
SQL入門 レッスン16 LIKE
select * from user1 where name like '%山%';
select * from user1 where name like '%彦%';
select * from user1 where name like '%___彦%';
select * from user1 where name like '%彦%';
select * from user1 where name like '田%';
select * from user1 where name not like '%田%';SQL 比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL like 条件 select * from user where name like "%山%" select * from user1 where name like '%山%'
SQL入門 レッスン17
select * from user1 where age between 28 and 48;
select * from user1 where age not between 28 and 48;
select * from user1 where age between 28 and 48 and salary > 5000000;
SQL入門 レッスン18
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
insert into user1(id, email, password, age, salary) values(12, 'sakaguchi@email.com', '8654794', 36, 7452000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(13, '大山博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(14, '', 'konishi@email.com', '1112233', 41, 8612000);ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
select * from user1 where name is null;
select * from user1 where name = '';
select * from user1 where name = '' or name is null
機能 | MySQL | PostgreSQL
------------ | ------------- | -------------
name が空白を抽出 | select * from user1 where name = "" or name is null; | select * from user1 where name = '';
name が空白 or nullを抽出 | select * from user where name = "" or name is null; | select * from user1 where name = '' or name is null
SQL入門 レッスン19 IN
select * from user1 where age in (28, 38, 48);
select * from user1 where age not in (28, 38, 48);
select * from user1 where age > 30 limit 3;
SQL入門 レッスン20 LIMIT
select * from user1 limit 3 offset 3;
select * from user1 limit 3 offset 6;
SQL 比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL データの入力 select カラム名, ... from テーブル名 limit 開始位置, 行数; select カラム名, ... from テーブル名 limit 行数 offset 開始位置 SQL入門 レッスン21 DISTINCT
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(15, '大山博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000);
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(16, '大山博', 'ooyama@gmail.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000);ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
select distinct name from user1;
select distinct name, email from user1;
SQL入門 レッスン22 ORDER BY
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
insert into user1(id, name, email, password, age, salary) values(17, '青山孝史', 'aoyama@email.com', '8845666', 58, 8456000);
select * from user1 order by age;
select * from user1 order by age desc;
select * from user1 order by age desc, salary;
select * from user1 order by age desc, salary desc;
SQL入門 レッスン23 AS
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
id int primary key,
ser_name varchar(255),
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30),
age integer,
salary integer,
branch varchar(255)
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(1, '鈴木', '一郎', 'suzuki@email.com', '123456789', 22, 5840000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(2, '山田', '太郎', 'yamada@email.com', '1234456', 32, 4200000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(3, '田中', '吾郎', 'tanaka@email.com', '6665456', 44, 3120000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(4, '大西', '秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 24, 2980000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(5, '山村', '昭彦', 'yamamura@email.com', '45123345', 28, 8450000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(6, '村上', '晴彦', 'murakami@email.com', '7484541', 38, 12545000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(7, '小池', '陽子', 'koike@email.com', '4517545', 42, 6245250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(8, '安部', '沙織', 'abe@email.com', '7484555', 58, 7689250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(9, '前川', '博', 'maekawa@email.com', '495645', 29, 3178000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(10, '足立', '康史', 'adachi@email.com', '885477', 18, 4963200, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(11, '高木', '弘樹', 'takagi@email.com', '965656', 39, 4921500, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(12, '', 'sakaguchi@email.com', '8654794', 36, 7452000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(13, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(14, '', 'konishi@email.com', '1112233', 41, 8612000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(15, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(16, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@gmail.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(17, '青山', '孝史', 'aoyama@email.com', '8845666', 58, 8456000, 'Tokyo');ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
select name from user1;
select name as "Name" from user1;
select salary, (salary - salary*0.1) as "NetSalary" from user1;
select salary, (salary - salary*0.1) as "NetSalary" from user1;
select concat(ser_name, ' ', name) as "FullName" from user2;
select concat_ws(' ', ser_name, name) as "FullName" from user2;
select concat_ws('+', ser_name, name) as "FullName" from user2;SQL 比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL as 句 select name as Name from user select name as "Name" from user1; as 句 select salary, (salary - salary * 0.1) as NetSalary from user1; select salary, (salary - salary * 0.1) as "NetSalary" from user1; as 句 select salary, (salary - salary * 0.1) as NetSalary from user1; select salary, (salary - salary * 0.1) as "NetSalary" from user1; as 句 select concat(ser_name, ' ', name) as FullName from user2; select concat(ser_name, ' ', name) as "FullName" from user2; concat_ws select concat_ws(" ", ser_name, name) as FullName from user2 select concat_ws(' ', ser_name, name) as "FullName" from user2 concat_ws select concat_ws(" ", ser_name, name) as FullName from user2 select concat_ws('+', ser_name, name) as "FullName" from user2 SQL入門 レッスン24 GROUP BY
select branch as branch, count(*) as number from user2 group by branch;
select branch as branch, sum(salary) as "Salary_SUM" from user2 group by branch;
select branch as branch, avg(salary) as "Salary_SUM" from user2 group by branch;SQL 比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL branch 事の人数を数える select branch as branch, count(*) as number from user2 group by branch; select branch as branch, count(*) as number from user2 group by branch; branch 事に合計の売上を出す select branch as branch, sum(salary) as Salary_SUM from user2 group by branch; select branch as branch, sum(salary) as "Salary_SUM" from user2 group by branch; branch 事に平均の売上を出す select branch as branch, avg(salary) as Salary_AVG from user2 group by branch; select branch as branch, avg(salary) as "Salary_AVG" from user2 group by branch; SQL入門 レッスン25 DESC
PostgreSQL は DESC をサポートしていませんのでこのレッスンは飛ばします。
SQL入門 レッスン26 HAVING
select branch as "Branch", avg(salary) as "Salary_AVG" from user2 group by branch
select branch as "Branch", avg(salary) as "Salary_AVG" from user2 group by branch having avg(salary) > 5000000
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL group by を使ってグループ化 select branch as Branch, avg(salary) as Salary_AVG from user2 group by branch; select branch as "Branch", avg(salary) as "Salary_AVG" from user2 group by branch group by と having を使ってグループ化した後の絞り込み select branch as Branch, avg(salary) as Salary_AVG from user2 group by branch having avg(salary) > 5000000; select branch as "Branch", avg(salary) as "Salary_AVG" from user3 group by branch having avg(salary) > 5000000
SQL入門 レッスン27 UPDATE
update user2 set age=age+1 where id=2;
update user2 set age=age+1;SQL入門 レッスン28 DELETE
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
id int primary key,
ser_name varchar(255),
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30),
age integer,
salary integer,
branch varchar(255)
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(1, '鈴木', '一郎', 'suzuki@email.com', '123456789', 22, 5840000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(2, '山田', '太郎', 'yamada@email.com', '1234456', 32, 4200000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(3, '田中', '吾郎', 'tanaka@email.com', '6665456', 44, 3120000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(4, '大西', '秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 24, 2980000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(5, '山村', '昭彦', 'yamamura@email.com', '45123345', 28, 8450000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(6, '村上', '晴彦', 'murakami@email.com', '7484541', 38, 12545000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(7, '小池', '陽子', 'koike@email.com', '4517545', 42, 6245250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(8, '安部', '沙織', 'abe@email.com', '7484555', 58, 7689250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(9, '前川', '博', 'maekawa@email.com', '495645', 29, 3178000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(10, '足立', '康史', 'adachi@email.com', '885477', 18, 4963200, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(11, '高木', '弘樹', 'takagi@email.com', '965656', 39, 4921500, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(12, '', 'sakaguchi@email.com', '8654794', 36, 7452000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(13, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(14, '', 'konishi@email.com', '1112233', 41, 8612000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(15, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(16, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@gmail.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(17, '青山', '孝史', 'aoyama@email.com', '8845666', 58, 8456000, 'Tokyo');ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
delete from user3 where id = 9;
delete from user3 where age > 50;
delete from user3;SQL入門 レッスン29 TRUNCATE
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
id int primary key,
ser_name varchar(255),
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30),
age integer,
salary integer,
branch varchar(255)
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(1, '鈴木', '一郎', 'suzuki@email.com', '123456789', 22, 5840000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(2, '山田', '太郎', 'yamada@email.com', '1234456', 32, 4200000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(3, '田中', '吾郎', 'tanaka@email.com', '6665456', 44, 3120000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(4, '大西', '秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 24, 2980000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(5, '山村', '昭彦', 'yamamura@email.com', '45123345', 28, 8450000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(6, '村上', '晴彦', 'murakami@email.com', '7484541', 38, 12545000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(7, '小池', '陽子', 'koike@email.com', '4517545', 42, 6245250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(8, '安部', '沙織', 'abe@email.com', '7484555', 58, 7689250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(9, '前川', '博', 'maekawa@email.com', '495645', 29, 3178000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(10, '足立', '康史', 'adachi@email.com', '885477', 18, 4963200, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(11, '高木', '弘樹', 'takagi@email.com', '965656', 39, 4921500, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(12, '', 'sakaguchi@email.com', '8654794', 36, 7452000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(13, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(14, '', 'konishi@email.com', '1112233', 41, 8612000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(15, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(16, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@gmail.com', '4745455', 48, 4756000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(17, '青山', '孝史', 'aoyama@email.com', '8845666', 58, 8456000, 'Tokyo');ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
truncate table user3;
SQL入門 レッスン30 他のテーブルデータを追加
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
drop table user2;
id int Primary key,
ser_name varchar(255),
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30),
age integer,
salary integer,
branch varchar(255)
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(201, '鈴木', '一郎', 'suzuki@email.com', '123456789', 23, 5840000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(202, '山田', '太郎', 'yamada@email.com', '1234456', 35, 4200000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(203, '田中', '吾郎', 'tanaka@email.com', '6665456', 45, 3120000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(204, '大西', '秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 25, 2980000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(205, '山村', '昭彦', 'yamamura@email.com', '45123345', 29, 8450000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(206, '村上', '晴彦', 'murakami@email.com', '7484541', 39, 12545000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(207, '小池', '陽子', 'koike@email.com', '4517545', 43, 6245250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(208, '安部', '沙織', 'abe@email.com', '7484555', 59, 7689250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(209, '前川', '博', 'maekawa@email.com', '495645', 30, 3178000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(210, '足立', '康史', 'adachi@email.com', '885477', 19, 4963200, 'Tokyo');
insert into "user3"(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(211, '高木', '弘樹', 'takagi@email.com', '965656', 40, 4921500, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(212, '', 'sakaguchi@email.com', '8654794', 37, 7452000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(213, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 49, 4756000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user3(id, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(214, '', 'konishi@email.com', '1112233', 42, 8612000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(215, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 49, 4756000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(216, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@gmail.com', '4745455', 49, 4756000, 'Osaka');
insert into user3(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(217, '青山', '孝史', 'aoyama@email.com', '8845666', 59, 8456000, 'Tokyo');
id int Primary key,
ser_name varchar(255),
name varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
password char(30),
age integer,
salary integer,
branch varchar(255)
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(101, '鈴木', '一郎', 'suzuki@email.com', '123456789', 23, 5840000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(102, '山田', '太郎', 'yamada@email.com', '1234456', 35, 4200000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(103, '田中', '吾郎', 'tanaka@email.com', '6665456', 45, 3120000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(104, '大西', '秀宜', 'oonishi@email.com', '7845455', 25, 2980000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(105, '山村', '昭彦', 'yamamura@email.com', '45123345', 29, 8450000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(106, '村上', '晴彦', 'murakami@email.com', '7484541', 39, 12545000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(107, '小池', '陽子', 'koike@email.com', '4517545', 43, 6245250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(108, '安部', '沙織', 'abe@email.com', '7484555', 59, 7689250, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(109, '前川', '博', 'maekawa@email.com', '495645', 30, 3178000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(110, '足立', '康史', 'adachi@email.com', '885477', 19, 4963200, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(111, '高木', '弘樹', 'takagi@email.com', '965656', 40, 4921500, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(112, '', 'sakaguchi@email.com', '8654794', 37, 7452000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(113, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 49, 4756000, 'Tokyo');
insert into user2(id, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(114, '', 'konishi@email.com', '1112233', 42, 8612000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(115, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@email.com', '4745455', 49, 4756000, 'Nagoya');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(116, '大山', '博', 'ooyama@gmail.com', '4745455', 49, 4756000, 'Osaka');
insert into user2(id, ser_name, name, email, password, age, salary, branch) values(117, '青山', '孝史', 'aoyama@email.com', '8845666', 59, 8456000, 'Tokyo');ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
insert into user2(id, name, email) select id, name, email from user3;
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL テーブルを作成し算出されるデータを格納します create table user4 select * from user3 where salary > 5000000 create table user4 as select * from user3 where salary > 4000000; - PostgreSQL は DESCRIBE をサポートしていません。
create table user4 as select * from user3 where salary > 4000000;
SQL入門 レッスン33 数値関数
select abs(5123);
select floor(5123.235);
select truncate(5123.935, 2);
select truncate(5123.935, 4);
select div(4,2);
select div(456,4);
select mod(889,2);
select mod(888,2);コマンド比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL テーブルを作成し算出されるデータを格納します select truncate(5123.93545, 4); select trunc(5123.935, 2); 割り算 select 4 div 2; select div(4,2); 剰余 select 889 mod 2 select mod(889,2);
SQL入門 レッスン34 数値関数2
SQL入門 レッスン35 文字関数
select ser_name, name, random() as random from user3;
select ser_name, name from user3;
select concat(ser_name, ' ', name) as "FullName" from user3;
select upper('user1');
select lower('user1');
select lower('user');機能 MySQL PostgreSQL ランダムに番号を表示 select ser_name, name, rand() as random from user3; select ser_name, name, random() as random from user3; concat を使った文字の連結 select concat(ser_name, " ", name) as FullName from user3; select concat(ser_name, ' ', name) as "FullName" from user3; 区切り文字を指定 select concat_ws(" ",ser_name, name) as FullName from user3 select concat_ws(' ',ser_name, name) as "FullName" from user3 英文字列を大文字に変換 select upper("user") select upper('user1'); 英文字列を小文字に変換 select lower("user") select lower('user1');
SQL入門 レッスン36 文字関数2
SQL入門 レッスン37 文字関数3
SQL入門 レッスン38 文字関数4
SQL入門 レッスン39 日付関数
select current_date;
select current_time;
select current_date + INTERVAL '10 day';機能 MySQL PostgreSQL 今日の日付を表示 select curtime(); select current_date; 今の時間を表示 select curtime(); select current_time; 指定された時間間隔を現在の日付から加算 select adddate(curdate(),10); select current_date + INTERVAL '10 day'; 指定された時間間隔を指定した日付から加算 select adddate("2017-5-2", 150); -
SQL入門 レッスン40 日付関数2
SQL入門 レッスン41 日付関数3
SQL入門 レッスン42 集計関数
select sum(salary) as "Salary_total" from user3;
select branch, sum(salary) as "Salary_total" from user3 group by branch;
select branch, avg(salary) as "Salary_AVG" from user3 group by branch;
select branch, count(*) as "Number" from user3 group by branch;
select max(salary) from user3;
select min(salary) from user3;
select ser_name, name, salary from user3 order by salary desc limit 5;
select ser_name, name, salary from user3 order by salary limit 5;
SQL入門 レッスン43 ビュー概要
create view user_view as select ser_name, name, email from user3;
select * from user_view;SQL入門 レッスン44 ビューの操作
drop view user_view;
create view user_name as select ser_name, name, email, age from user3;コマンド比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL view の再定義 alter view user_view as select ser_name, name, email, age from user3 where branch = 'Osaka' drop view user_name; create view user_name as select ser_name, name, email, age from user3 where branch = 'Osaka';
SQL入門 レッスン45 JOIN
ビデオを見る前に pgadmin の query で sql 文を実行
id int Primary key,
name varchar(255)
insert into party(id, name) values(1, 'A政党');
insert into party(id, name) values(2, 'B政党');
insert into party(id, name) values(3, 'C政党');
insert into party(id, name) values(4, 'D政党');
CREATE TABLE candidate (
id int Primary key,
party_id integer,
name varchar(255)
insert into candidate(id, party_id, name) values(1,1,'Suzuki');
insert into candidate(id, party_id, name) values(2,2,'Yamada');
insert into candidate(id, party_id, name) values(3,1,'Sasaki');
insert into candidate(id, party_id, name) values(4,2,'Gtoh');
insert into candidate(id, party_id, name) values(5,5,'Yamamoto');
insert into candidate(id, party_id, name) values(6,3,'Watanabe');- ビデオで実行しているSQL文リスト
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c join party as p on c.party_id = p.id;
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c inner join party as p on c.party_id = p.id;
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c, party as p where c.party_id = p.id;
SQL入門 レッスン47 複数JOIN
alter table candidate add area_id int;
create table area(
id int primary key,
name varchar(255)
insert into area(id, name) values(1,'東京1区'),(2,'神奈川2区'),(3,'大阪3区'),(4,'兵庫1区'),(5,'福岡3区'),(6,'新潟1区')
select c.name, p.name, a.name from candidate as c join party as p on p.id = c.party_id join area as a on a.id = c.area_id;コマンド比較表
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL area テーブルに選挙区のデータを入力 insert into area(id, name) values(1,"東京1区"),(2,"神奈川2区"),(3,"大阪3区"),(4,"兵庫1区"),(5,"福岡3区"),(6,"新潟1区"); insert into area(id, name) values(1,'東京1区'),(2,'神奈川2区'),(3,'大阪3区'),(4,'兵庫1区'),(5,'福岡3区'),(6,'新潟1区') area_idに直接データを入れる作業
- candidate テーブルを右クリック → View/Edit Data → All Rows
SQL入門 レッスン48 LEFT JOIN
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c left join party as p on p.id = c.party_id;
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c left outer join party as p on p.id = c.party_id;
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c right join party as p on p.id = c.party_id;
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c right outer join party as p on p.id = c.party_id;
SQL入門 レッスン50 FULL JOIN
select c.name, p.name from candidate as c full outer join party as p on p.id = c.party_id;
機能 MySQL PostgreSQL FULL OUTER JOIN ない select c.name, p.name from candidate as c full outer join party as p on p.id = c.party_id
SQL入門 レッスン51 トリガー概要
SQL入門 レッスン52 トリガー操作
SQL入門 レッスン53 サブクエリー
select salary from user3;
select max(salary) from user3;
select * from user3 where salary = (select max(salary) from user3);
select * from user3 where salary > (select avg(salary) from user3);
SQL入門 レッスン54 文字コード
SQL入門 レッスン55 照合順序